
دانلود فایل ها و تحقیقات دانشگاهی ,جزوات آموزشی


دانلود فایل ها و تحقیقات دانشگاهی ,جزوات آموزشی

مقاله درباره طرح درس زبان انگلیسی

لینک دانلود و خرید پایین توضیحات

فرمت فایل word  و قابل ویرایش و پرینت

تعداد صفحات: 5


طرح درس

این نمونه یک طرح درس هفتگی در مدرسه ..... هست. هر آخر هفته معلم اصلی طرح درس هفته بعد را برای والدین می فرستد.  طرح درس شامل اهداف آموزشی هفته و مواد درسی میشه. و همینطور فعالیت های برنامه ریزی شده برای رسیدن به اون اهداف. گاهی حضور مانی در طراحی بعضی از فعالیت های آموزشی تاثیر داره. مثلا این هفته موضوع اصلی سفر بود. و یکی از کشورهایی که بچه ها در موردش شنیدند و مثلا سفر کردند ایران‌ :)



Target Letter: H h

Sight Words: he, here

Learning Objectives:

Oral Language: 2:5a Identifies familiar objects, people, and events Circle Time- Vocabulary

2:5b Describes familiar objects, people, events, and their attributes with general and

specific words and phrases Activity-Time Oral Language – Circle Time-Shared Writing

2:5c Uses new and expanding vocabulary and grammar, including: positional and

directional words (e.g. in, out, on under, off, beside, behind) Activity Time-Oral Language

2:3c Child describes familiar modes of transportation using general and specific

words and phrases Activity Time-Independent Writing – Story Time-Literature Response

Phonological Awareness: 2:3c Identify syllables in words by clapping, snapping or other rhythmic

movement Circle Time Phonological Awareness

Alphabet and Print: 2:4a Recognizes the letter

H Circle

& Activity Times- Letters and Sounds

3:1a Child uses a variety of materials to write/copy/trace letter

H Circle

& Activity Times- Letters and Sounds

2:4e Makes some letter/sound matches Circle & Activity Times- Letters and Sounds


Big Math Unit 4

Group 1:

Group 2:

Group 3:

Social Studies: 1:1a Child seeks information from a variety of sources (i.e. people, books, videos,

globes, maps, calendars, etc.)

Fine Arts: 3:3b Adds details and new elements to dramatic play situations over time.




Target Vocabulary: travel, fare, luggage, pack, passport<><><><><><>


Required books

First Flight

The Bag I’m Taking to Grandma’s



Nursery Rhymes & Songs

“The Wheels on the Bus”

“Row, Row, Row Your Boat”<><><><><><>

Talk It Out: Lesson #12


Dramatic Play

Going to  Iran, and Mexico<><><><><><>

Post Office Pals: Send a postcard to your pal from where you went.


Additional Trophies Activities

Circle time - Oral Language,

Story Time – Big Book of Rhymes and Songs, Nursery Rhymes Anthology







10:15-10:30 1:45-2:00

Outside Time

Activity –Children practice saying “good morning” to friends and other adults.

Children will play “Hide and Seek.” Seeker will use positional words (with teacher’s assistance) when finding a child and say, “he is in (on, under, beside, behind)…” “Come out of your hiding spot!”

Vocabulary: Children will lift two suitcases and say, “this luggage is heavy” “this luggage is light” (Jocabed)





Bathroom & washing hands

The children will pick a card, find the rhyming word, and say rhyme out loud as they clap out the syllables.

The teachers will introduce the day’s activities.



Center Work-

Teaching Tables and Open Centers

Teaching Table 1: Big Math: Unit 3, activity 4. Children will copy, extend, and describe repeating sound patterns.


Teaching Table 2: The children will put a transportation floor puzzle together, and say “I think ___has the most expensive fare.” The teacher will use positional words guide children through the puzzle.

Teaching Table 3: Children write their first and last name two times and place it in their binder.

Sensory: Children will transfer ice cubes from one cup to another using tweezers, and say, “I made a big effort!”

“The ice melted because…”

Writing: Children will trace a car, airplane, train, or submarine, decorate it, and say, “I will travel to…”

Art: Easel. Children will put apron on, tape painting paper on the easel, and write name on the paper before starting to paint. Children will use two cars to paint and say, “I am going to...” “I will travel to…”

Blocks/Manipulatives: Children will build transportation vehicles at the workshop.

Snack: The children will talk about methods of transportation they have seen (bike, car, bus, airplane…)


11:55-12:05 3:25-3:35

Cleanup & Transition

Musical Hat. When the music stops, the child with the hat on will point to the words “He” and “Here” before going to reading group.

12:05-12:25 3:35-3:55

Dialogic Reading

Book A – The Bag I’m Taking to Grandma’s 

Book B- First Flight

Target letter: Children will write letter Hh on a board and say “capital H” “lower case h” before going back to the circle time rug.

12:25-12:45 3:55-4:15

Circle Time-review letter, sight words, vocabulary, mystery box

The children will sing “Row, Row, Row your boat” in pairs, and “The Wheels on the Bus” as a group.

Talk It Out lesson # PALS 12






10:15-10:30 1:45-2:00

Outside Time

Activity – Children practice saying “good morning” to friends and other adults.

Children will play “Hide and Seek.” Seeker will use positional words (with teacher’s assistance) when finding a child and say, “he is in (on, under, beside, behind)…” “Come out of your hiding spot!”

Vocabulary: Children will lift two suitcases and say, “this luggage is heavy” “this luggage is light” (Jocabed)





Bathroom & washing hands

The children will pick a card, find the rhyming word, and say rhyme out loud as they clap out the syllables.

The teachers will introduce the day’s activities.




Center Work-

Teaching Tables and Open Centers

Teaching Table 1: The children will put a transportation floor puzzle together, and say “I think ___has the most expensive fare.” The teacher will use positional words guide children through the puzzle.

Teaching Table 2: Children will play “guess who” game to ask questions using inflection, “Is it a boy? Does he have brown hair? Does he wear glasses?” Extension: Using an earth globe children will point to a country and say “I think he/she lives in…”

Teaching Table 3: Children write their first and last name two times and place it in their binder.

Sensory Table: Children will roll play dough, and think of a way to represent a country. The teacher will point to countries and oceans. Child will say, “I want to travel to…”

Writing: Children will trace a car, airplane, train, or submarine, decorate it, and say, “I will travel to…”

Art: Easel. Children will put apron on, tape painting paper on the easel, and write name on the paper before starting to paint. Children will use two cars to paint and say, “I am going to...” “I will travel to…”

Blocks/Manipulatives: Children will build transportation vehicles at the workshop.

Snack : The children will talk about methods of transportation they have seen (bike, car, bus, airplane…)


11:55-12:05 3:25-3:35

Cleanup & Transition

The children will find a partner to travel, sing “Row, Row Your Boat” together, point to a place on a map, and say, “I am traveling to…”

12:05-12:25 3:35-3:55

Dialogic Reading

First Flight

The Bag I’m Taking to Grandma’s

Target letter: Children will write letter Hh on a board and say “capital H” “lower case h” before going back to the circle time rug.

12:25-12:45 3:55-4:15

Circle Time-review letter, sight words, vocabulary, mystery box

Shared Writing:

The teacher will review the vocabulary words of the week, ask the children where they would like to travel to, and record their answers on a big piece of paper.





10:15-10:30 1:45-2:00

Outside Time

Activity –Children practice saying “good morning” to friends and other adults.

Children will play “Hide and Seek.” Seeker will use positional words (with teacher’s assistance) when finding a child and say, “he is in (on, under, beside, behind)…” “Come out of your hiding spot!”

Vocabulary: Children will lift two suitcases and say, “this luggage is heavy” “this luggage is light” (Jocabed)





Bathroom & washing hands

The children will pick a card, find the rhyming word, and say rhyme out loud as they clap out the syllables.

The teachers will introduce the day’s activities.



Center Work-

Teaching Tables and Open Centers

Teaching Table 1: Post Office Pal. Children will send a postcard to post office pal, and say, “Dear____, I went to…”

Teaching Table 2: Language Enrichment with Kelly.

Teaching Table 3: Children write their first and last name two times and place it in their binder.

Dramatic Play: Children will make a passport to travel to Iran in the morning and to Syria in the afternoon. They will pack their clothes, take their luggage to the airport, and pay their fare. Children will take turns being travelers.

(Jocabed and Heather)

Reading Center: The children will listen to a book on tape independently.

Book Checkout with Heather our Librarian.

Computer Center: Groups 1-4 Starfall.com (Jocabed)

3 year olds: Let’s get ready to read, ABC’s (Letter Hh)

4 year olds: Learn to Read, Play (an/at) or Book-Zac the Rat

Science: Children will look at a National Geographic book with Jocabed, and find an animal that does not live in the dessert. Using the earth globe, Jocabed will point to the place where animal lives.

Snack : The children will name one place they have traveled to.


**Reading and writing centers are always open.

11:55-12:05 3:25-3:35

Cleanup & Transition

Musical Hat. When the music stops, the child with the hat on will point to the words “He” and “Here” before going to reading group.

12:05-12:25 3:35-3:55

Dialogic Reading

Book A – The Bag I’m Taking to Grandma’s 

Book B- Clifford Magazine

Target letter: Children will write letter Hh on a board and say “capital H” “lower case h” before going back to the circle time rug.

12:25-12:45 3:55-4:15

Circle Time-review letter, sight words, vocabulary, mystery box

The teachers will ask children what they would need to put in their luggage before traveling to another city/country. Their answers will be recorded on a piece of paper.

Mystery Box-One child states 3 clues (one at a time). The other children take turns guessing what is in the box or ask a question to gather more information about the item.





10:15-10:30 1:45-2:00

Outside Time

Activity –Children practice saying “good morning” to friends and other adults.

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