This is a model of BOOST CONVERTER. spl. feature is o/p voltage controlled using this controller. Boost converter is a DC-DC converter with which we can step up a particular DC voltage to a desired(higher value) range. It is a type of SMPS which has two switches namely an Ideal switch and a diode . Along with it it has a inductor,capacitor,resistor etc, as shown in the circuit diagram . Application of Boost converters are Electric hybrid vehicles(EHV),lighting systems etc.The current model i've done will convert a 300/400V DC-DC converter. when it comes to working,a normal boost converter needs an external pulse to be given so as to produce a specified duty ratio . but here in the model that i have done there is no such need in order to produce a pulse,which will be automatically generated by PID controller . Even the inductor current if you observe you will observe exact continous current mode of operation with (delta)I of ~0.2A ripple.o/p ...